Communication Skills for IT Professionals - Why HRs are stressing on Expressions?
Last Updated : 11 Mar, 2024
Hello once again and apologies for not penning down a few lines past month, since we were caught up with recruitments. Now, we are not looking at anything else, but yes, when we say we were caught up with recruitments, here’s one thing we noted that the IT experts lack- EXPRESSION! It’s a wake-up call – there is an urgent need to shed light on the significance of sound communication skills for it professionals.
Why the stress on communication skills for IT professionals?
Let’s take for example a case to understand the importance of communication for it professionals–
We interviewed a Cyber Security Analyst last week. His scores on the technical front were outstanding. He had amazing problem-solving skills. However, when the HR from a non-IT background asked him a simple question- “What is the reason we use SQL Injection?”- the answer was purely technical and bookish knowledge.
- No examples were given
- No data was shared
- No real-life cases were spoken off
It’s about time IT professionals fathom the need to sign up for corporate communication courses.
Place yourselves in the shoes of a NON-IT client/customer
Here are three major reasons for effective communication skills for it professionals:
- You as a technical honcho are acquainted with the nitty gritties of all things technical. But, don’t assume everyone in this world would.
- As a tech expert, you would have to come down to the grassroot level and explain technical jargon to the client in layman’s terms. The best thing would be to provide simple real-life examples that will be relatable for the audience. Else, the purpose of selling the product or service to a layman is beaten.
- Everyone wants value for money, right? Why would anyone want to invest in your product or service if they understand nothing about the benefits of the same?
Think about it folks- EXPRESSIONS are very important, or else the purpose of cracking an interview/ client deal/ collaboration et al would be lost.
Don’t become a statistic!
It is so important for you to express, and express with life and the right tone and energy. Have you watched how hardcore marketeers talk about their products and services to clients?
- Full of energy for sure
- Full of life
- All-round knowledge of their offering
- High Confidence
- Simple terms, mostly explained with examples
- Storytelling methods to create the need
- Maintain composure even during cross-questions and negative criticism
Hence, bookish knowledge only gives you the knowledge, but if you are unable to express- any language- you lose the deal/client/ trust, etc.
What does expression entail and mean for IT professionals?
- Empathy: When you empathise with your clients/ customers, you get to understand them better. Your amiable tone will help to convince them that they have a “Friend” here – and not someone who is selling something to make a quick buck!
- Active listening: I cannot stress enough on this. The problem is that we listen to respond and not listen to understand. We must listen very carefully and understand what the next person needs and wants. Only then would we understand how to pitch well and how to get the most out of the deal. You never know what is hidden in the minds of the clients. Let them speak, YOU listen and listen without interrupting.
Final Thoughts
As an IT expert, you may have been misinformed in the past that “Communication Skills” is equal to learning “Spoken English”- WE ARE HERE TO BREAK THAT MYTH.
We encourage the candidates sitting for mock interviews to speak and express in a language they are comfortable in. MOST HRs agree with the same -unless of course, the job description clearly states “Excellent written and verbal English skills needed”.
If you need help expressing, we, at DataSpace Academy, would love to give you that helping hand. Give us a call, email us, visit us, or come talk to us in person. We will sit and counsel, and guide you on putting your best foot forward to communicate like a pro.
Until the next time…
Have fun expressing! You never know who’s listening and wanting to do more business with you and for you!